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Israel Borokini teaching portfolio

“You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives. "Clay P. Bedford"


My teaching experience

Current position: Tenure-track research and teaching faculty (Assistant Professor) and instructor of record at Montana State University, Bozeman. I taught undergraduate-level Principles of Biological Diversity (BIOL 170; fall 2023) and graduate-level Analysis of Biological Communities (BIOE 540; spring 2024). I am currently teaching senior undergraduate Plant Ecology (BIOE 455).

Previous teaching experience include:

1. Instructor of record and adjunct faculty in the Department of Biology, Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill, California. I taught 3-credit undergraduate level Fundamentals of Biological Science course for one semester.

2. Instructor of record and adjunct faculty in the Department of Biology, Los Medanos College, Pittsburg, California. I taught 4-credit undergraduate level General Biology course for two semesters.

3. Three years as adjunct faculty and instructor of record at Truckee Meadows Community College, Reno, Nevada. In total, I taught four sections of General Biology for non-majors (BIOL 100) and 12 sections of Cellular and Molecular Biology lab (BIOL 190L).

4. Instructor of record for Introduction to Environmental Science (ENV 101) course for two summer sessions at the University of Nevada, Reno.4

5. Six years of teaching experience as a graduate teaching assistant in the Department of Biology, University of Nevada, Reno, supporting faculties in teaching several courses including Principles of Biological Investigation (BIOL 192), Genetics (BIOL 300), Comparative animal physiology (BIOL 316) and Human anatomy and physiology (BIOL 223 and 224).

6. One year experience as a tutor in the University Writing and Speaking center, supporting both undergraduate and graduate students in their writing assignments, via synchronous and online consultations.

7. One year of coordinating environmental education for pre-K and K-12 students, and during spring and summer break camps at Galena Creek Visitor Center

8. Four years of teaching experience as high school Biology teacher

9. One year as instructor for Cambridge Advanced level Biology


My teaching philosophy

My goal is to provide excellent learning experience for my students that will make them independent and critical thinkers which will have lifelong impact on their professional goals. Students in my class come from diverse backgrounds, each with different but unique experiences, therefore, I believe each of them should have equal access to a stimulating academic environment that suits their learning needs. This underscores the importance of applying the universal design for learning (UDL) in the design and delivery of my course content.

My philosophy, as a biology instructor, is built on the principle of “scientific teaching” and three-dimensional learning, both of which focuses on motivating students to apply cross-disciplinary ideas to investigate and explain natural phenomena and solve problems. I demonstrated these teaching approaches in several foundational, upper undergraduate, and graduate biology courses I taught at the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR), Truckee Meadows Community College (TMCC), Reno NV, Los Medanos College, Pittsburg CA, Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill CA, and currently as an assistant professor at Montana State University (MSU), Bozeman MT. In my teaching, I introduced new concepts based on the foundations of students’ preconceptions and previous learning experiences and guided the students to implement half or full semester-long individual or group projects, including formulation of hypotheses, experimental designs, data collection, and analysis, as well as drafting reports and making presentations.

My teaching philosophy and practices are founded on the neurobiological concept of learning in my classroom. When students learn new concepts, construct new knowledge, and practice them in classroom and real-world situations, the new knowledge can change the structure of their brain cells (neurons) and strengthen the synapses between them. To optimize students’ engagement in the class, I use a wide variety of active learning approaches such as open educational resources, my video lecture creations, Kahoot games, clicker questions, group discussions, think-pair-share sessions, and asking questions. These active learning approaches are also strongly tied with the UDL course designs. For example, I used model-based learning to teach the concept of the food web, guiding the students to create ecological food webs using local biodiversity, and using the concept of trophic cascades to illustrate the impacts of overexploitation and invasive species in an ecosystem. I also make cross-disciplined connections by relating climate change mitigation to photosynthesis and the three types of photosynthetic pathways in plants.

To assess the effectiveness of these methods in helping students meet learning objectives, I use exit polls, pre- and post-lecture quizzes, and anonymized course evaluations throughout the semester. I carefully review students’ feedback and their performance in formal assessments and use them to modify course content and delivery to enhance learning. Moreover, formal assessment of student learning in my classes addresses different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy of cognitive learning domains, with more focus on synthesizing and applying the core concepts in real world situations. These varying learning assessments promote inclusive and equal opportunities of academic success for diverse groups of students. I also provide timely and constructive feedback on students’ assignments, offer flexible office hours, and use available tools to monitor student academic progress. Consequently, course evaluations showed that students enjoyed my classes; for example, I received a rare 4.7 out of 5.0 rating in a foundation biology course I taught in fall 2023, and 4.9 rating in the graduate-level multivariate ecology statistics course I taught in spring 2024.

Beyond classroom teaching practices, I also dedicate ample time to mentor my student advisees; this includes getting to know them individually, facilitating career pathway discussions, and sharing information on research and scholarship opportunities. Through these efforts, I connected students with colleagues who are looking for student interns, relevant summer research job positions, and on-campus student jobs to alleviate financial challenges. Additionally, I provide research experience mentorship for students in various stages; for example, I have facilitated research experience for 18 undergraduate students across TMCC, UNR, University of California Berkeley and now at MSU. These research experiences resulted in scholarship grants, published articles or presentations at scientific conferences with these students as co-authors, thus enriching their resumes. I currently advise a PhD student who recently started in my research lab, co-advise two graduate students from Jamaica and Rwanda, mentor several African early career experts, and I also sit on the academic committee of two graduate students providing mentorship and training in ecological statistics in their research.

As a biology teacher, I continue to self-reflect on my teaching practices, identify innovative pedagogical approaches for enhancing teaching and learning, learn new tools and technology by participating in professional development courses and training workshops, and attend science teaching conferences, to grow and expand my teaching. For example, I recently learned about the JoVE video learning modules and integrated them in my current teaching. I am also learning how to integrate Wiki Education materials into the capstone course I teach. Through these efforts, I strive to make learning more accessible and enjoyable for my students while helping them develop skills to be globally competitive and tackle real world problems.

Professional development certifications and courses on teaching

1. Effective teaching strategies for biological and environmental scientists. Developing research capacity among African environmental scientists (DRECA), jointly funded and organized by European Union, Tropical Biology Association (TBA), United Kingdom, EU’s ACP Group of States and Nigerian Conservation Foundation (NCF) and University of Ghana, in Aburi, Ghana; between October 29 and 30, 2012.

2. Professional certification in Effective teaching practices, Association of College and University Educators (ACUE), University of Nevada, Reno, October - December 2017

3. Getting results: an online professional development certificate program, Truckee Meadows Community College, Reno, fall 2018 semester

4. Teaching with Technology. University of Nevada, Reno, fall 2018 semester.

5. Preventing death by lecture. Truckee Meadows Community College, Reno, September 28, 2018

6. Pathways to Scientific Teaching course. Visiting Scholar and Postdoc Affairs (VSPA), University of California, Berkeley, October 4–8, 2021.

7. Teaching evolution through a culturally competent lens. Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, October 27 – 30, 2021.


Learner-centered course design: example

Learning challenge

My students come from diverse backgrounds – working students, parents, and minorities – many of whom take evening classes so they can work during the day. Often times, they come to class exhausted and sleepy. My goal is to effectively deliver course content to re-energized, motivated and fully-engaged students. The use of traditional PowerPoint lecture notes was unable to achieve this, therefore I decided to implement a universal design for learning (UDL).

Universal design for learning (UDL)

This course design offers learning choices for students of diverse backgrounds, so they can acquire knowledge and course content using different approaches that suit them, given their background and current circumstances. UDL also allows students demonstrate what they know in diverse ways.

Implementation and the use of technology

My intention for using UDL was to increase student engagement during classroom and allow for using different teaching methods other than PowerPoint lecture notes. In this course design, I used both think-pair-share and group discussions.


I designed discussion questions based on course content to be taught for a particular week and posted it on the course website. Following this, I communicated with the students using Canvas announcement tool to inform them about the discussion questions.

During class, I introduced course content, using PowerPoint lecture notes and video clips for about 20 minutes, after which I shared the discussion questions with the students, took a short break for the students to peruse the questions and work on them, then I asked them to pair themselves and discuss answers to the questions for 5-10 minutes. I assigned the questions to each group and welcomed each group to discuss their answers to the assigned discussion question in the front of the class or write their calculations on the white board. As a class, we discussed each group’s answers and provided feedback. I found this approach useful when I taught Mendelian Genetics, and Population ecology. See the attached practice questions on using Punnett Squares to predict possible offspring of monohybrid crosses. Also attached is a list of practice questions on how to estimate population abundance and density, as well as growth rates.

Group discussions

Group discussions are similar to think-pair-share activities, and my implementation was similar. However, I used group discussions mostly to encourage critical thinking and solve real-world problems with knowledge gained from course material. On multiple occasions, I used critical  thinking questions to facilitate learning in evolution class and community ecology class. My students always enjoyed constructing food webs from a list of native species, and demonstrating the collapse of an ecosystem when a keystone species is removed.


General Biology for non-majors (BIOL 100)

BIOL 100 is a three-credit introductory course with emphasis on the process of science and fundamentals of biology. This includes introduction to molecules, cells and metabolism, flow of genetic information, evolutionary theory and ecological processes. The course connects life science concepts to the understanding of everyday concerns, such as human health. The course is designed for non-science major students, and meets the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) core curriculum science requirement, but does not count as credit for a biology major. The course comprise three lecture hours per week and take-home four laboratory experiences.

BIOL 100 syllabus is hereby attached to peruse the student learning outcomes and weekly activities.

Teaching Methods: 1. Game-based learning

Game-based learning can be used to facilitate student engagement and motivation and increase learning outcomes in a dynamic teaching and learning environment. Generally, games make people connected to the subject, motivates them and achieve even more. For the game to be effective, the game activities must be tied to course learning outcomes.

In my class, I used Kahoot games four times during the semester. I used the games two times to review the most-missed questions in the exams, and two additional times to engage students in learning difficult concepts in the class. Interestingly, many of the students are very familiar with Kahoot.

I usually send an announcement to the students to come to class with their smart phones charged, so they can use it for the games. During class, I introduce class materials for about 10 minutes, then I transition to Kahoot games.

To set up Kahoot games, I created a profile on Kahoot website, create a quiz, set the time for each question and add images. At the time of playing the games, the students log in to the website, and join the quiz by using an automatically-generated set of numbers.

Of all the different teaching activities I used in the entire semester, the students enjoyed Kahoot games the most. I believe it is a great way to engage the students to the course materials, and get feedback and data on students’ learning.


Teaching Methods: 2. Open educational resources (video lectures)

Video lectures are a fun way to introduce course materials to students. Considering student diversity in my classroom, embedding video clips in my lecture notes is inevitable. Canvas website for my course has many external technology application tools I can use for educational video sources. In my class, I used YouTube, Pearson Mastering Biology bioflix resources and NBC Learning media.

For example, the first week of class, I had to introduce to my students the scientific method, which include teaching them how research is carried out, designing hypothesis and experiments, among others. In an attempt to not “scare” them with technical jargon and scientific terms, I added a video clip illustrating the scientific method in a song.

Flipped classroom design

For one of my weekly class materials, I decided to implement a different pedagogical approach, the flipped classroom design. This design was reported to improve student academic performance in several studies (Deslauriers et al. 2011, Koo et al. 2016, Thai et al. 2017).

I implemented this design by sharing course materials on the course website and urging the students to revise them prior to class meeting. During class meeting, students spent the entire time solving real-world problems and reflection questions based on what they have learned from the course material.

In this innovative approach, I integrated flipped classroom design with video lectures, such that I posted course PowerPoint materials and several short video clips for them to watch on several advancement in the use of knowledge on molecular genetics in agriculture and health.

The video lectures added teaching variety to the class and the students’ feedback on the videos were positive. Furthermore, this design also allowed for maximum student engagement in the classroom, while they determine the pace and style of their learning.


Deslauriers L., Schelew E., and Wieman C. (2011). Improved learning in a large-enrollment Physics class. Science 332 (6031): 862-864

Koo C.L., Demps E.L., Farris C., Vowman J.D., Panahi L., and Boyle P. (2016). Impact of flipped classroom design on student performance and perceptions in a pharmacotherapy course. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 80 (2): 1-9

Thai N.T.T., De Wever B., and Valcke M. (2017). The impact of flipped classroom design on learning performance in higher education: looking for the best “blend” of lectures and guided questions with feedback. Computers & Education 107: 113-126.


My diversity statement

As a black man and first person in my working-class Nigerian family to obtain graduate degree, I have personally experienced the barriers to full participation in science, and I am interested in helping to remove them. As a migrant graduate student in the United States, I endured culture shocks, steep learning curves, and financial challenges, while also conducting my PhD research in an unfamiliar ecosystem. Despite these challenges, I completed five dissertation chapters, generating novel empirical information to guide the management of threatened species. Therefore, I use my research, teaching, mentoring, and service to university and scientific communities to contribute to conversation and efforts to tackle diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) issues in academia.

Mentoring is vital for promoting a diversified and inclusive science workforce. Therefore, I maximize every opportunity to provide research experience for students. I mentored five undergraduate students at Truckee Meadows Community College (TMCC), Reno, Nevada, a Hispanic serving institution, which guided career decisions and helped former interns to pursue academic careers in STEM. As a postdoctoral scholar at the University of California, Berkeley, I voluntarily mentored nine students through the University Research Apprentice Program, teaching them data collection, management, analysis, and interpretation. The findings of the studies were co-presented at two scientific conferences. In my first semester as a faculty member at Montana State University (MSU), Bozeman, I provided undergraduate research experience for a student, primarily focused on statistical data analysis; the paper resulting from the study is under review for publication with this student as a co-author. I am currently mentoring three female students at MSU, while also voluntarily co-advising two African graduate female students from Rwanda and Cameroon, training them on statistical tools and scientific communication. Currently, key findings from these students’ graduate theses are undergoing review for publication. I also supported these students in successfully getting research and travel awards to support their studies and to attend scientific conferences. I also contributed to six sessions of middle to high school mentoring (~60 students total) under the NSF-funded Planting Science program, as well as informal career mentoring to youths in the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe in Northern Nevada.

My teaching approaches reflect my commitment to diversity and inclusion. I implemented various active learning approaches and learner-centered course designs and instructional delivery to facilitate an inclusive learning experience for all students. I also offer flexible office hours, varied learning assessments, and include diversity statement in the syllabus of all courses I teach. As a faculty advisor at MSU, I go beyond merely advising students on what courses to take, but also invite my mentees for discussions centered on identifying their personal strengths and interests and matching them with career opportunities. These conversations also resulted in successfully connecting several of my students with relevant NGOs and colleagues at federal agencies for jobs and summer internships. I prioritized building personal relationships with my mentees so they would feel comfortable sharing their personal challenges that impacted their academic performance, and for which I provided support or referral to counseling services. For example, when I was an adjunct faculty at TMCC, I helped a female student of color secure an on-campus job to alleviate her financial challenges.

I also promote DEI issues in my research. My pre-doctoral research work involved engaging with faith-based communities in Nigeria to document and preserve their traditional ecological and ethnomedicinal knowledge (for example, see: my interview published in the AAAS Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Religion. These engagement with Indigenous communities resulted in the publication of over 30 research papers documenting traditional ecological knowledge. I recently co-authored three papers addressing decolonization of research studies and institutions, reducing parachute science in African research, and creating awareness on challenges faced by English as second language (ESL) experts. Through my ongoing research in West Africa, I provide training and research experiences for several early career experts. Additionally, I am working with social science experts to investigate the conservation values of sacred natural sites in West Africa, document their associated traditional ecological knowledge, and identify the extinction risks they face.

My dedication to DEI issues is also exemplified in my service roles in university and scientific communities. I served as Vice President on the UC Berkeley’s Postdoctoral Association, providing leadership and dedicating time and efforts to organize events that build professional networks among members. I also served on TMCC’s Student Resources Committee, contributing to leadership, providing food pantry services, and administering scholarships to financially challenged students. Currently, I serve as the faculty advisor to the African Students Association and the Ecology Graduate Students Association both at MSU. Furthermore, I was the President of the Society for Conservation Biology [SCB] in Africa (2019-2022) during which I led institutional efforts to develop an education program to provide long-term capacity building for early career African scientists. Through the SCB Africa Section mentoring program I co-organized and participated as a mentor, over 50 early career experts and graduate students were mentored, resulting in several publications and international research grant awards. In addition to my personal donations, SCB Africa also provided generous conference and travel awards for African experts to attend its global congresses. I also organized the first ever African Diaspora Biodiversity Symposium during the IUCN All African Parks Congress and the North American congress for conservation biology, to foster international collaboration between African experts in the Diaspora and those on the continent. Moreover, I also served as a member of the California Native Plant Society’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Committee, contributing leadership in administrative matters and fairness for the professional society.


“If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” — Isaac Newton

1. While working as a scientific officer in Federal Government research institute in Nigeria, I mentored over 30 undergraduate students who were posted in my research unit. Mentoring activities involved engaging them in my research work, field surveys, data collection and management, and periodic career discussions.

2. Four undergraduate students from Truckee Meadows Community College worked with me during my PhD dissertation (see photo below), and gained valuable research experience. One of them decided to pursue a career in Environmental Sciences after working with me. Another one is currently in a graduate program.

3. In the past two academic sessions, I also mentored several high school students across six schools under the Planting Science platform []. Through this program, I guided students on formulating research questions and hypotheses, setting up their experiments, data collection and interpretation.

4. Through the e-mentoring program of the Africa Section of the Society for Conservation Biology, I mentored peers on writing research proposals for competitive grant applications, and developing manuscripts for publications.

5. I mentored nine students through the Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program (URAP) at the University of California, Berkeley in Spring 2022 semester. The students worked on mining of introduced flora and data analysis to identify risks of biological invasion.

6. I provide undergraduate research experience for two students at Montana State University, Bozeman, as well as a graduate student independent study. I advise tens of students in the Department, while also serving on the academic committee of two graduate students. I currently advise a PhD student and co-advise an MS student from the University of Rwanda.


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